Raising awareness of the homeless and mental illness crisis and providing solutions to transform live.
Make an impact by supporting the Rescue Ride.
raised towards $200,000 goal
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Make an impact by supporting the Rescue Ride.
Make an impact by supporting the Rescue Ride.
Help make an impact on homelessness in our country by supporting the Rescue Ride which highlights the root causes of homelessness and the innovative and effective solutions to solve this man-made-epidemic .
The Rescue Ride started as a group of 10 motorcyclist from the Winchester Rescue Mission who went from Winchester, Virginia to Los Angelos staying at shelters to see the causes, effects and solutions to this crisis in our country. From small town to big city, the challenges and struggles with homelessness were evident. The motorcycle provided the transportation but more importantly provided a connection to people to begin conversations with individuals living on the streets and struggling to survive where were excited to see the bikes to those in mission programs transforming their lives to staff working everyday to help the most vulnerable to the leaders in the community seeking attainable solutions.
Using the motorcycle to open door to conversations to demonstrate the difference between mental health, which is 100% of something the population deals with, in contrast with mental illness which 18% of the population deals with. This issue is facing everyone from the small town to the big city but there are exciting, innovating solutions being used across this country to solve homelessness.
Your support will fund education, program and provide tangible solutions for communities to combat homelessness.